My two precious girls
We were home for a little over a week when we had to return. I noticed on one Saturday afternoon that AG had a fever. She had been fussy for a couple of hours as well, so we called the pediatrics hotline for some advice. I figured they'd tell us to give her some tylenol and watch her closely. I was wrong, though. After talking to the nurse, she said she'd have our pediatrician give us a call. He called and asked a couple of questions and then said "ok, meet me at the hospital on the pediatrics floor." I was a little bit shocked and asked why we had to go to the hospital. He said AG would have to be admitted since she was under 4 weeks old. They had to do several tests on her and immediately began antibiotics. Thankfully, all of the test results came back negative so it appears it was just some sort of viral infection.
I was so glad to be back home after that hospital stay. AG was fussy and cried a lot for the next couple of weeks. Now at 8 weeks, she is a pretty content baby. She rarely cries and is sleeping well. She is not consistently sleeping through the night yet, but she has given me a few nights with 5 hours of uninterrupted sleep. I've gone back to work for a couple of mornings each week. I will go back full-time when she is 12 weeks old. I think this will help both of us get adjusted to our new schedules.
My sweet Brooke has turned into a sassy, strong-willed two year old. Some days she can be so sweet and precious. Other days I just want to give up and wonder where we went wrong with her. I have talked to other parents with 2 year olds and all assure me that their 2 year olds are the same way. So I am patiently waiting for this stage to pass.
Brooke loves to sing and dance. She loves princesses especially Belle. She also loves Dora the Explorer. She can count to 20, say her ABCs and sing too many songs to list. She also has an enormous vocabulary and loves to talk. ALL THE TIME. She rarely ever stops talking, but I love that about her. I could listen to her all day. She loves her baby sister. She loves to give her kisses and as she says "pet" her. She loves to wear dresses and most days refuses to wear anything other than a dress or skirt.
My greatest joy is that Brooke is developing a love of Jesus. She loves going to church and even asks to go during the week. She sings songs about Jesus, says bedtime prayers and prayers at meal times. On Easter, we asked her who has risen and she'd respond with Jesus. I pray that she will continue to love Jesus.
Easter 2012