Wednesday, May 27, 2015

We're having Meat Loaf for dinner!

Tonight was Meat Loaf night in the Bliss household. I told Cheri that I was cooking it food network style. By that, I mean with A LOT of spice. Have you ever noticed that when you cook in your own kitchen you tend to be very conservative adding flavor, but on TV, they add a little meat to the spice? Tonight my meat loaf definitely had a zip....and even Anna Grace, not the best eater, had a second helping.

I'll say this, we are a week and a half in, and it seems to be getting easier, not harder.

Answering a couple of questions...first, the no eating out includes lunches. Also, we will eat out if someone else is paying.

Tomorrow is leftover day, so not sure if we will have a picture tomorrow.

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