Sunday, August 17, 2008

Bailey 1998-2008

Well, not a great day around the house. I went out this afternoon and discovered that one of our dogs had passed away. From all indications, it was as peaceful as it could be, but it is baffling as she had shown no signs of even being sick.

Cheri was amazed that I have never had an animal of mine die while I had them. This is the first time I have ever had to worry about burial, etc.

We decided not to tell A about it until tomorrow after school. We are gonna hold a short "memorial service" after we all get home. I worry a little about how she will handle it, but maybe her love of the movie "All Dogs Go To Heaven" will help us out a little.

So, I say goodbye to a good friend. The next time I pick up a tennis ball, I will pause for just a second and remember how many times you ran after any one that I threw and remember that I loved you.


1 comment:

Monica said...

Sorry to hear about that. I've never lost a dog either, I can't begin to imagine how traumatic that would be. Our boy dog gets out of the house sometimes and darts down the street. I hate that feeling of wondering if he will come back or not.